Yearly Archives: 2010

Shore Dolls Point

Netstrata are pleased to announce that they have been selected to undertake the strata setup work for the  prestige Shore Development located close to Botany Bay in Dolls Point. Shore Dolls Point is being developed by Prestige Apartments Australia and brings a new level of living to the St George District the project website can be viewed at

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The role of a Strata Manager – a snap shot

  • Act as Chairperson, secretary, treasurer and public office of the scheme
  • Arrange for day to day routine maintenance, repair or replacement of common property and personal property of the scheme
  • Arrange an attend annual general meetings and  other meetings of the scheme.
  • Effect and renew insurance required by the Acts
  • Issue notice to comply with by-laws.
  • Keep and maintain the schemes records required by the Acts
  • Prepare budgets and financial reports required by the Acts
  • Keep and attest the affixation of the common seal
  • Pay all due accounts of the schemes as and when they become due
  • Implement the decisions of the scheme.

Home values flat in April 2010

Home values flat in April as heat comes out of Australia’s housing market
Housing markets outside the capital cities record no growth in 2010

Based on the industry-respected RP Data-Rismark Hedonic Home Value Index, which uses the nation’s largest sales database combined with the most sophisticated index technology, Australia’s capital city housing markets recorded virtually no capital gains in the month of April, with home values up just 0.2 per cent (0.3 per cent seasonally adjusted).

The slowdown in capital growth comes on the back of 16 months of strong rises in home values. The anemic growth in April also contrasts strikingly with the market’s circa one per cent per month capital gains since the start of 2009.

Across Australian capital cities, home values were 11.9 per cent higher in the 12 months to April 2010.

Whats in a Lift Maintenance Contract

The Strata Managers at Netstrata were invited by Justin Wilson of Schindler Lifts to undertake a training course at their head office in Botany. The course was designed to teach the managers exactly how a lift operates and whats involved in the ongoing Lift Maintenance Contract.


If a strata scheme has a lift, then the owners corporations needs to budget for its ongoing maintenance. The provision for lift maintenance is often one of the most expensive items a strata scheme has to provide for. This training has allowed our strata managers to have a working understanding of exactly whats involved in the ongoing maintenance of your lift.


If you would like to find out more please do not hesitate to contact your strata manager.

Some thoughts from a client

‘Quality Service’ – this is what most of us read as words that form part of a marketing ploy to get you to use a service.  Most of us assume that those words are true and accurate of any company who use them….. Less than a year ago, I stopped dealing with one company who used those words, and started dealing with another who meant them…

I am an owner occupier of a property in a rather large complex in the Inner West.  Like everyone who is an owner occupier, I like to take pride in where I live and like to know that the people who manage the complex that I live in, are giving me the best value for money and a quality environment.  This is where a quality service is important.  I was one of the unlucky ones who purchased a brand new property and then watched it deteriorate because of the mis-management of a Strata company that were employed at the time to give me that ‘quality service’…..

Everyone has a choice in life, change what you don’t like, or live with it.  I chose to make the change as I felt that I was entitled to enjoy the property that I purchased.  So, less than a year ago…. I made that change, and was fortunate enough to be referred to Netstrata by a friend.  From the initial contact, I was given professional guidance as to what was needed to be done.  Netstrata took on a big job without any hesitation.  From the changeover, to dealing with all of the issues and resolving them, our dedicated Strata Manager put more than 110% into the job.

Today,  I can walk through the complex and see how well the gardens are kept, how clean the foyers are and most importantly how little I need to get involved to keep the complex to the standards that it so rightfully deserves.  Netstrata have been a godsend to this complex and I can honestly say that now I’m getting what I pay for and more.

Strata Plan 77727 Strata Committee. Managed by Liesl Biles.

3 reach 10 at Netstrata


Last Friday Netstrata celebrated the  anniversary’s of Sandie Garcia, Michelle Zrno and Samantha Antipas having been with the company for 10 years. Netstrata knows they are only as great as the people they employ, and are proud to have 3 of their team reach the milestone of a decade with the organisation.


Our social club arranged a fantastic surprise celebration at the Blakehurst Bowling Club where a fantastic dinner was enjoyed by all. Sandie, Michelle and Samantha were presented with awards for long service and some gifts from Swarovski.


Jeremy Stone announced as Finalist for 2010 ISTM Schindler Lift Awards for Excellence

Netstrata is pleased to announce that their Business Development Director Jeremy Stone has been selected as a finalist in the 2010 Institute of Strata Title Management Schindler Lifts Strata Industry Awards for Excellence, Young Business Person of the Year.

Jeremy-Stone  Schindler-Strata-Industry-Awards

The Schindler Lifts Strata Industry Awards for Excellence are designed to recognise and reward those individuals and companies who make a significant contribution to the Strata Industry. Jeremy said ” It’s a great privilege to have my efforts recognised at an industry level … it is also great to see the progress  the Institute has made by raising the profile of our profession across the State and these awards are a direct reflection of this”.

The winner will be announced on Friday 4th June at the Darling Harbour Convention Centre.

2010 ISTM Sailing Challenge

The Institute of Strata Title Management (ISTM), is the leading professional body for the strata and community title sector in NSW, and recently held their annual sailing challenge. Wendy Wong from Netstrata attended the challenge and said it “was a great day and good opportunity to speak with other strata managers about the benefits of strata living and the challenges facing the sector”.

Wendy Wong at the Helm lookout!

ISTM represents over 1,300 strata managers, principals and suppliers in the sector. The members’ experience ranges from large corporates to small family businesses. They have expertise in all facets of strata management and service provision. Their experience spans those with a lifetime in the industry, to those who are just beginning their careers.

Wendy and some other Crew.

Membership of the Institute is open to Strata Managers and Suppliers to the sector. A subscription service is also available to those owning a strata or community lot and members of the Owners Corporation Strata Committee. ISTM is a affiliate member of NCTI, the national body for Strata and Community Title Managers.

A great Day for All

Netstrata secure their future in Carlton

The management of Netstrata are pleased to announce that they have secured their future  in Carlton with the acquisition of 294 – 298 Railway Parade. The building currently comprises Netstrata’s head office, home to 35 of their team. Other tenants in the building include Lifestyle Fitness Australia and Sarraf Real Estate.

New building

Managing Director Stephen Brell said “having to relocate over 5 years ago from Hurstville to Carlton because our existing premises were being demolished; it is fantastic to now secure our future in the same location. We can now focus wholly on our business strategy of providing the best strata and community title management services, without having to worry about relocating. Over time to we plan to further improve our facilities  to ensure that our clients strata experiences are further enhanced.”

Schindler lifts industry working group

Shindler logo

Schindler Strata Working Group

Jeremy Stone Netstrata’s Business Development Manager was invited by Schindler Lifts National Portfolio and Marketing Manager Damian Richards to join an industry working group to consider improvements that could be offered to strata schemes in NSW. The group met with Schindler and discussed the development of a tailored strata contract that could be offered to the sector to meet the specific needs that have arisen over the years.

Jeremy Stone said “Lifts are often one of the most expensive common property items within a strata schemes annual budget, and a clearer contract will result in owners having a better understanding as to what is involved in an annual maintenance program and more flexibility in their decision making process”.