• Coronavirus

Cleaning and Maintenance for your Scheme through COVID-19


We have instructed all cleaners to increase the disinfecting and sanitisation of the common areas of your Scheme, with strong emphasis on the high touch points such as door handles, handrails, light switches, lift cars and lift buttons. We urge all residents to continue practising appropriate hygiene practices such as washing their hands regularly and sneezing and coughing into their elbows or tissues.

Please report any accumulation of excess garbage, or if you witness residents disposing of rubbish inappropriately, to your Strata Manager, so rubbish can be cleared and the affected can be cleaned and sanitised.

With regards to increased cleaning services for your Scheme, this needs to be discussed through your Strata Manager and your Committee. Consideration will need to be to the number of services as well as the allocation of appropriate funding for the services to be increased.

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